Key Contacts

Key Contacts

Use the table below to determine the most appropriate way to direct your query.

If you are unsure of who to contact, please send your query to

  Subject Description Contact Details
1. General Enquiries Course queries from prospective students and queries from new organisational clients.
Any query not included in another category below or if you are not sure where to send your query.
2. Student Administration All queries from currently enrolled students, except academic questions that are to be directed to your subject lecturer (lecturer contact details are available in PASS).
3. Feedback & Complaints Feedback or complaints related to any product or service offered by AGSL, for both academic and operational matters.
4. Accounts & Finance For creditors and debtors to contact accounts department directly. Students contact Student Administration (#2 above).
5. Registrar For other institutions to verify AGSL or IMIA academic credentials supplied by prospective students or employees. Academic credentials will only be confirmed upon sighting a release form signed by the student/applicant.
6. IT Support Assistance with IT problems related to AGSL assets and facilities.
7. Privacy Officer For any questions or concerns relating to privacy.
8. Executive Dean Where a policy directs that the Executive Dean be contacted or to escalate any academic matter that is proving difficult to resolve after having followed standard procedures outlined in the policy manual.
9. COO Where a policy directs that the COO be contacted or to escalate any operational matter that is proving difficult to resolve after having followed standard procedures outlined in the policy manual.
10. CEO Final point of escalation for a matter that cannot be resolved through standard procedures and other contacts listed above. Ensure that you have exhausted other options outlined in policies, procedures and other documentation and have tried to resolve the issue using other contacts listed above before escalating to the CEO. Include a complete history of the matter in your initial message.